Prescription costs
I'm really embarrassed so please no judgment
I have a 90 pill refill of my 2 prescriptions ready to pick up but my new insurance wont kick in for justundwr 60 days. I downloaded goodrx to check prices, I can do 30 days of each but the prescription is for 90. The doc told me this is the last one he can write without an office visit (which is fine as in 2 months I'm good)
My question is this. Once the prescription is at the pharmacy, are the allowed to sell me 30 now and come back for 30 next month once I'm paid? Is that allowed?
I've been on both meds for multiple years and can't just decide not to take them. They're for depression and work great but skipping days has side effects and I don't want to make myself ill. I'm down to my last couple so I need them this week for sure.
I feel so ashamed that I'm so short on money so please don't tell me I should've got the prescription sooner. I managed to scrape together enough for the 30 but when I saw the price for 90 this morning I got embarrassed and said I'd come back tomorrow. I've been home looking at options and I'm doing my best
5 comments posted: Tuesday, February 4th, 2025
yucky couch stains
TW: gross animal body functions
So my sister in law and her family has to live with us for a while. No biggy. However, her lab-mix is here too. He's a sweet dog, gets on well with my little terrier, both dogs are allowed on the furniture but her dog sleeps on the couch and he's....uhm...leaving little round white stains. I think it may be discharge from his penis.
1) is that a thing?
2) how do I ask my SIL without it being embarrassing
3) I can't afford one of those little green upholstery cleaners. What's the best way to hygienically clean my couch? I don't want her to feel bad about or seem like I'm a jerk but I cant stop thinking about it and it makes me feel queasy
4 comments posted: Monday, January 6th, 2025
How do kids earn money?
When I was a teen I had connections through my parents of family's who needed babysitters/cleaning/yardwork/ironing etc. My friends teen wants to pick up cash in hand work but doesn't have hours available to work fast food or other part-time teen jobs. What's a safe way to help her find cash in hand odd jobs?
11 comments posted: Monday, July 11th, 2022