Newest Member: SincerelyConfused


Me(BW): 40WH: 40 Married 7 years, together 20.
Dday 2/22/19 Reconciling

Your Resonant Self

I just finished reading Your Resonant Self by Sarah Peyton and wanted to recommend it.

I learned about this book when the author was interviewed in one of the podcasts I listen to (Therapists Uncensored). It sounded interesting and the podcast host raved about it so I picked it up from the library.

In a nutshell..... This book focuses on turning your inner voice from critical and cruel to warm and supportive. It includes various techniques for doing this including meditation exercises.

Much of the book is spent exploring how trauma and early / childhood attachment issues affect the brain and how this can be healed. I've read several books that discuss how the brain works over the years and Peyton explains things the most clearly and simply of all of the books I've read.

This book does not deal with infidelity but does focus on trauma, anxiety, anger, shame, and depression. Issues which a lot of us on this site (BS and WS) deal with.

A disclaimer here that I am nearly two years out from dday. This is not the first book one should read after dday but I think it would be helpful for anyone who is a few months (or more) into trying to heal - BS or WS. I highly recommend it!

0 comment posted: Saturday, January 16th, 2021

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