Newest Member: GettingThere08


Me: BS, 41 / Him: SAWH, 43 2 children ages 7 and 9 “The truth is still blurry but the lies are getting clearer”

Recovering instagram messages


I am confused as to why I still need more evidence but here I am upgrading my membership to try to find ways to search for more. It consumes me and I can not wait for the day I feel I am no longer living a lie and drowning in mistrust.

Here goes, I have access to my WH's Instagram account which he is unaware of. He has hidden it from his cell phone so it is no longer visible in his apps. In fact, he told me he was no longer on it. I check in on it every once in a while, sometimes too much. I often see bits of messages to other women. Some obvious flirting and some perhaps less obvious or innocent. Most often, he deletes messages immediately and while in midst of messaging. He is a damn pro!

I even just got a simple period left (.) and saw greyed out messages disappear before my eyes. I get that he is messaging other women still so why the hell do I even bother! But one of these women is a friend of mine and another a cousin....I need to know if they are inappropriate in any way. I am so sick of being made a fool of!

Kindly, does anyone have any simple ideas how I can recover these messages??

Thanks for your time.

5 comments posted: Friday, March 1st, 2019

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