Newest Member: GettingThere08


Married 19 years, together 24. 3 children. DD1 2/21/18. DD2 6/7/18 EA. BS 49, WH 50.
DD3 3/30/22 PA

Actions prove who someone is; words prove who someone wants to be.

I think my marriage is over.

I have made it a point to let my WH know what my needs are so there is no confusion. He has put forth no effort. I was just informed that he got me nothing for Christmas. I gave a few ideas and he let the kids pick one each to get me something. So, I will have something to open. From him though, he said he thought I'd like a massage but he didn't know where I wanted to go. So, I can just call myself. I think he WANTS me to leave him.

I know no one has answers for me and only I can decide...I just needed to vent. Thank you for listening.

12 comments posted: Saturday, December 24th, 2022

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