Song Title Game---new one
Does Your Chewing Gum Lose It's Flavor On The Bedpost Overnight---Lonnie Donegan---1961
999 comments posted: Tuesday, November 22nd, 2016
Song Title Game----Part??
Born Under A Bad Sign---Cream---1968
999 comments posted: Friday, July 1st, 2016
Parrot stoolie?
Here in Michigan there is a woman that shot her husband 5 times--killing him---and then shooting herself in the head. It was supposed to be a murder/suicide it sounds like.
Somehow she survived that and was arrested for the murder. She was charged today in court.
The prosecutor is trying to decide if the parrot that the couple owned---an African Grey who speaks very well apparently---can be used as a tool/witness because it kept saying "DON'T SHOOT! DON'T SHOOT!---when the cops showed up.
I'm not sure how this is going to turn out---but I'm keeping my eye on this one.
3 comments posted: Friday, June 24th, 2016
A new low
NO POLITICS: We have zero tolerance of discussing politics or political policies here. No names, jokes, polls or debates are allowed. You may mention names of politicians only in the context of infidelity
[This message edited by SI Staff at 8:35 PM, June 22nd (Wednesday)]
5 comments posted: Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016
Welcome to Spring!!
Spring officially arrived at 12:30 am this morning. I'm more than ready.
I'm already seeing robins all over the place and enjoying the nice, brown grass and occasional buds on the trees.
No more snow here---but it's mighty chilly this morning.
Either way----I'll take it.
[This message edited by WarehouseGuy at 6:53 AM, March 20th (Sunday)]
9 comments posted: Sunday, March 20th, 2016
i may have found a goldmine here
Check this out.
My son sent me a ph# for a job. I typed it in Google and came up with this website.
I found names and the street they live on. Never seen anything like this one before.
I hope it helps someone.
5 comments posted: Thursday, March 12th, 2015
Lose an hour tonight
Don't forget to set your clocks ahead 1 hour tonight. Welcome to Daylight Savings Time people. But you can look at it as SPRING??
If you have to work tomorrow---you have my condolences now
[This message edited by WarehouseGuy at 4:20 PM, March 7th (Saturday)]
11 comments posted: Saturday, March 7th, 2015
New Years Resolutions?
I don't usually make them because I know beforehand that I most likely won't keep them.
I do remember about 25 yrs ago--making a resolution to stop smoking--stop drinking--and stop getting high. The only one that worked was to stop getting high--thank God! I remember my ex coming at me--pushing me up against the wall with a pack of cigarettes after 9 days and telling me "If you don't open this pack and smoke one of these--I'm gonna shove this pack up your ass"
I guess at the time I wasn't a very pleasant person to live with trying to stop all those things at once cold turkey.
So---do you have a NY's resolution you are going to make---and do you think you will keep it?
Happy New Year to everyone here at SI. I know none of us never wanted to be here in the first place---but I'm glad we can be here for each other
eta: It looks like I missed an O in the title. Work with me people
[This message edited by WarehouseGuy at 4:40 PM, December 31st (Wednesday)]
8 comments posted: Wednesday, December 31st, 2014
I'm always the last one to know
Well people---according to a letter from some guy in the Benin republic---I was killed in a fiery auto crash back on December 8th. Poor me.
But--here's the kicker. If anyone in my remaining family would like to reopen my ATM card--with access to over 9 million dollars---all they have to do is send $87 (that's down from the usual $200---must be some kind of sale) and they can have access to all the money.
I was seriously hoping to die in my sleep and not in some horrific accident.
eta: Did I mention how much I like spam?
[This message edited by WarehouseGuy at 1:58 PM, December 25th (Thursday)]
13 comments posted: Thursday, December 25th, 2014
Yup. Another Song Title Game
I was going to pick up with the last one from Lucky2haveMe--but I thought this one might be easier to deal with.
Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?---Frank Zappa---1979
I love Frank
[This message edited by WarehouseGuy at 11:56 AM, October 23rd (Thursday)]
999 comments posted: Thursday, October 23rd, 2014