NY need call made from NY number
Can someone make a call please to just notify a man that his long term girlfriend is married? Nothing more to say- please pm me for details if you can! Thank you in advance! Preferably a guys voice
[This message edited by dupedtwice at 2:41 PM, March 14th (Sunday)]
0 comment posted: Sunday, March 14th, 2021
New boyfriend pinged my phone
He is retired snd used to work for federal aviation. I did not call him when i said i would and he questioned me when i got home as to my whereabouts and then told me my exact locations and times and said that he pinged my phone? How the heck did he do this? He has never had access to my phone plus its fingerprint passcoded. Obviously im leaving him but im freaked! How did he do this? Im calling my carrier tomorrow to see if they can see it
7 comments posted: Sunday, December 18th, 2016
Voice recorder in car
Okay, i know theres issues with legality etc but i wonder if u are part owner of the car if its ok. I mean you can even switch cars for the day so the recorder is in what is on paper your car. Thats what i did today. Now if i find anything i will make it into a voicemail on my phone.... Wait a few days so the timing gets confused and say that he mustve butt dialed me..... I just pray there is nothing...
1 comment posted: Tuesday, January 26th, 2016
Cell Phone contact
okay so I have come up with this latest thing.
If you have access to the WS phone and IF the OP is still in their contacts for whatever reason (work colleague etc) - You can change the number in the contacts to your friends number or to an alternate cell. Make sure you take the OP original phone number and BLOCK it..
So If you want, from the alternate cell- you can send a text with a question mark or something. you can also just wait and see if the WS starts a convo....
1 comment posted: Friday, January 8th, 2016
someone with alternate fb
can someone with a "second" fb please pm me?
I am trying to locate someone who doesn't have a fb but I have her sisters and I want to get a message to the sister - anonymously
1 comment posted: Wednesday, November 18th, 2015
anyone have spokeo acct
I need a info for someone in nj - please let me know if you can help!
Thank you
1 comment posted: Monday, November 16th, 2015