Newest Member: SincerelyConfused


Yikes-what happened???

Hi-would very much appreciate any help you could give on this. The SI I've been relying on for nearly 5 years now seems to be gone.

I get on the site but it's very hard to read the message; the pages are huge--too big for my laptop-I'd have to keep swiping to read what I would ordinarily see without any problem.

Also, my people list is gone--those who I frequently communicate with and whose messages I regularly read.

When I click most recent, it brings me to someone else's messages.

Is there anyway to get back what I had before? All I did was log on as usual but this is all different.

Thank you for any help you could give on this. Already feel so out of sorts what with COVID and being away from home-hope I can get my wonderful SI back again.

5 comments posted: Friday, May 22nd, 2020

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