Newest Member: BrightStar13


Me: BS: 52WS: 40sDD: 11/7/14DD2: 10/17/15 (EA cont'd during false R)Married for 20 years Two kids, pre teen.WS: has LTA for 4 years. First 2 years EA, then last 2 years EA/PA. False R between 11/7/14 and 10/17/15(

Recovery Over 10 Years Later

I decided to take a break from this website, so i could fully heal, and not keep getting retriggered by first time BS stories of DD over and over again. I felt like a got sooo much from this forum and the suggested reading after about the 3rd year post DD i stopped logging on, but wanted to provide and update all these many years later. Hoping it gives betrayed spouses, especially men who are starting to lose hope.

It has felt for last few years like it is REALLY behind us. The trust is back, I know for a fact she is affair free. Her phone is wide open to me still and I now never check it.

Our love making is especially sweet and deep. We're empty nesters with the house to ourselves. We make love on regular basis, I am 60 and she is mid 50s, and it's fantastic. Lots of foreplay and intense orgasms for both of us, 2 to 4 times per month.

We've even rented hotel rooms for some of our liasons for added fun.

We still fight, but now the fights never include recriminations over the old affair anymore, they are about current issues. The past no longer haunts us.

This is possible if you do the work consistently and with a view for the long haul. It cannot be rushed.

Good luck on all your journeys.

4 comments posted: Saturday, February 1st, 2025

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