Newest Member: SincerelyConfused


Me: BS, 52 Him: WS, 68 Married 30 yrs; DDay E/A, 5/2012 2nd DDay, again E/A, broke NC 2/2014 Reconciling.

Strangest thing your cat does

We have 1 year old kitten boys. (Husband found them huddled in the middle of the road last year)

The long haired boy has a thing for any fruit or veggie left out on the counter. He started by just biting them. Bananas go bad quickly when they are covered in bite marks! Didn't know cats ate tomatoes!

Presently, he is working on carving his own mini pumpkin!

29 comments posted: Wednesday, October 14th, 2015

toilet paper poll

How do you place the TP on the holder?

Rolling out from underneath or rolling out from over top?

Me? Over top.

25 comments posted: Thursday, July 2nd, 2015

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