Newest Member: Dontknowwhattodo50


BS: Me In reconciliation. I edit for spelling and clarity "Do or do not, there is no try." - Yoda

Samsung apps

My WH has a Samsung tablet. I was looking at updating his apps, he doesn't do that too often and there were many waiting to be updated.

There are two tabs, one labeled installed and the other tab ALL.

On the all tab I noticed that Snapchat was showing there but not installed. When I clicked on it it said free and asking to install.

Does this mean that it was installed before?

On the all tab most of the apps said installed, and it's not listening all apps like in the store.

Thank you

3 comments posted: Saturday, June 11th, 2016

LinkedIn question

My FWH and I were looking at his LinkedIn account and I noticed that there was a new request to link from a woman that we had unlinked as he didn't know who she was (this is not AP). We stated that we would both go through the requests later as he doesn't really use this. He had over 90 requests that he has not responded to.

I went in and the request is no longer in his in box, nothing in his sent, not in his list of contacts, but I found it in his archive. It does not say that he accepted or denied it.

I'm not understanding how it got into archive folder and hoping someone can help with this question.

Thank you.

3 comments posted: Friday, May 22nd, 2015

PI questions

How do I find a good, reputable PI that isn't someone who is just using spokeo or some service that I could use myself? My FWH has said I can hire one as I want to know some information about the OW and it's been many many years since last contact. Also, there is an odd address showing up on a spokeo search of me and my husband and want to find out what that's about. Any guidance would be appreciated.

FYI. I just want to know that she is no where around his work industry anymore and hopefully a pic to know that she didn't age well. Yes, shallow, but would help me. I knew her too as she was a cow. Thank you for your time!

0 comment posted: Wednesday, February 4th, 2015

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