DD#1 - Oct 13
"Everyone says forgiveness is a lovely idea, until they have something to forgive" - CS Lewis
FB Messenger Location
If you are chatting on FB Messenger you can turn on the location button next to submit and you can share where you are. Quite cool.
0 comment posted: Monday, March 2nd, 2015
New Apple id
I just found activation emails for a new Apple id for WBF. It says he created it, activated it and logged in on an ipod.
This all at 5 am when he's away on business.
He only owns an old ipod for music and I thought you needed an iPod touch to log in.
Any ideas?
3 comments posted: Sunday, January 18th, 2015
FB question
I know this has come up before, but if people come up on my suggested friends list who are not friends of friends does that mean they have been looking at my profile?
[This message edited by KatieG at 2:10 AM, December 5th (Friday)]
2 comments posted: Friday, December 5th, 2014