Any WSs Follow Through On Their IC Even After Divorce?
I was curious how many wayward spouses out there followed through with their IC, with their efforts to fix themselves, even though the marriage could not be saved? I believe a WS should at least reconcile with themselves, even if they failed to do so with their BS, before ever getting into another relationship. It seems, from my POV, that many WSs simply go into IC to please their BS, or save the marriage, not because they genuinely want to get the bottom of their character faults that allowed them to cheat. This is evident to me when the marriage fails and they immediately cease their efforts to fix themselves. An ultimate sign of fake remorse?
2 comments posted: Wednesday, March 20th, 2024
Protecting Ourselves From Future Harm
As Affair-Divorce veterans having gone through the crucible of reality, after having someone you trusted completely burn you to the ground, and thinking much more pragmatically than our former naïve selves, what are you all doing to protect yourselves from possible future harm involving your new beginnings-specifically, remarriage. What are you doing-if anything, to protect yourself, to protect assets and your estate in a future divorce?
10 comments posted: Saturday, March 13th, 2021