Deleted text app
Any that don't require rooting the phone or desktop access? We do not have a desktop and being 9 months pregnant and still working I don't have time to go to someone's home and use one.
0 comment posted: Wednesday, January 27th, 2016
Galaxy S3 deleted text?
can someone tell me if there is any way to recover COMPLETE deleted text from a Galaxy s3 without plugging the phone up to a computer? i did the whole contact/history thing but that onnly shows the first 2 lines if the text is deleted..... and my H's charging port is pushed in and we do not have the money to repair it at this time, so we are incapable of plugging it into the computer. he is willing to do whatever or let me do whatever to recover the text, we just don't know if there is a possible way when we can't plug the phone up to anything.
0 comment posted: Monday, August 10th, 2015