Newest Member: GettingThere08


Need help contacting a BS

At least I think she is going to be a BS. Would someone be willing to contact her?

[This message edited by lilacs40 at 10:55 PM, July 25th (Thursday)]

1 comment posted: Thursday, July 11th, 2019

Searching phone numbers tip

Not sure if this has been discussed but I just discovered that if you search a phone number in facebook someone has associated with their Facebook account it will come up with a name even if you aren't friends with that person. I know it works because I just tried it with STBXWH and his latest ho and I'm not friends with either one and they both came up.

I also had a bit better luck with putting the phone number in quotes in a search engine.

4 comments posted: Thursday, November 27th, 2014

Can some look up a phone number?

The only name I can find associated itch the number definitely does not belong to OW. One name comes up but the VM is for another name.


0 comment posted: Tuesday, October 28th, 2014

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