Newest Member: GettingThere08


Me: 45/WH (SA): 49 M: 26 years 3 kids over 10 yrs old EA/ PA Dec. 2009 -Divorce halted

Money and

Hi friends, been a while since I have posted.

Just wanted some opinions.

I have been dating a man for about a year. I am financially better off then he is. He does pay meals but.cant.go on vacation with me.

We have talked about a future together and I wondered what you thought about ending this because he will never be able to go on large vacations, which I love or buying a house..

Also, his last 4 serious girlfriends were blondes and I do see him staring at blonde women when we are out.

I am a brunette.

Do you think men truly can prefer one hair color over another? When he stares, I get this feeling in my stomach.

Is this a dealbreaker? He is.wonderful to me in many different ways.

Thanks for any advice.

35 comments posted: Monday, July 13th, 2020

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