Newest Member: GettingThere08


BH(me)-49, FWW-43,D-Day #1 - Oct 2007 - On-Line EA leading to a failed rendez-vousD-Day #2 - Nov 2008 - In person EA caught early.

Away you will go, sailing in a race among the ruins.If you plan to face tomorrow, do it soon. Gordon Li

fWW past away...

I've tried multiple times to post this but kept deleting it. I try to hard to explain a situation that's just took big.

So, I'm trying a something different. Short and sweet.


fWW had an emotional affair about 15 years ago. We never worked it out in any meaningful way, just rug swept. Then a year later, another A, but this time everything pointed to a physical incident with someone on out inner circle. Despite the obviousness of it, she never admitted it. We did some half-hearted work but she was not the introspective type. I stayed for the kids.

About 3 years ago, things weren't very good. Dead bedroom, partly due to her health issues. Partly because we have lost real intimacy. I decided I'd stay until our college age kids were settled, them I'm out. I'll take the financial devastation and maybe find a real life.

About 2 years ago, Stage 4 Cancer. Hell on earth. I became her primary care giver. To do that, I became an emotion robot. Not ready to talk about that.


It’s been about 6 months since she pasted. Kids are OK and they are my focus. We had life insurance which made my financial situation OK. I'm starting to come out of the robotic state, and I realized I have to build a new life. Maybe even a new me. And I need help.

21 comments posted: Tuesday, February 6th, 2024

Testing your Wayward Spouce

Two questions,

1. Have you ever considered testing your WS? I'm considering finding someone to become Facebook friends with my WW to seeing if she's up to her old tricks and willing to "chat" with a guy who seems interested in her.

2. Anyone care to help me out a give it a try? If so PM me and we'll discuss.

5 comments posted: Friday, February 7th, 2020

Need someone to send an email.

I've been toying with the idea of having someone send me an email posing as the OBW. I notified her a while back but she decided to bury her head in the sand and nothing ever cam from it.

I want to test my fWW's reactions to a few "revelations" as well as use this to jog some further details that she's been holding back. If I sent it to myself, my fWW would recognize my writing.

I'll setup an email account. PM me if you can help and I'll explain what I'd like to send.

1 comment posted: Wednesday, January 13th, 2016

Teensafe Questions

Anyone who's used Teensafe, can you help me out with a few questions?

What is set-up like?

Do you download any software for the iPhone?

What set-up pitfalls did you encounter?

What shows up on your CC bill?

Do they accept PayPal or Visa gift cards?

2 comments posted: Thursday, February 5th, 2015

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